We have a Responsibility Towards Our People, Our Communities, & Our Planet


As a global brand, we have a great deal of responsibility towards our people, our communities, and our planet, and it is integral that our business practices align
with our core value of making the world a better place.

Responsible manufacturing practices are of utmost importance to MESHKI,
and we have been committed to adopting more sustainable approaches to minimise the impacts of our business operations. While we make no claim to be perfect, we are committed to this ever-evolving journey and hold ourselves accountable to achieving
a lower-impact future for MESHKI.

We do this by adopting sustainable practices, measuring our impact and implementing incremental improvements to scale our efforts continuously.
We partner with industry bodies, sustainability experts and our in-house CSR team
to guide us through this journey, and we look forward to bringing you along with us.

Preferred Fibres

MESHKI defines a preferred fibre or material as one that results in improved environmental and/or social sustainability outcomes and impacts compared to conventional production.

When MESHKI works with preferred fibres, we acquire the correct documentation to prove the chain of custody. This is a priority process to ensure our customers receive their desired fibre.

Preferred Fibre Transition Breakdown

  • Polyester → Recycled Polyester
  • Conventional → Recycled Nylon
  • Conventional cellulose → Cellulose fibres of certified origin
  • Conventional cotton → Cotton of a certified origin Recycled Cotton
  • Organic Cotton Conventional Linen → Linen of a certified origin

Preferred Fibre Transition Breakdown

Recycled Fibres

Synthetic fibres are categorized as human-made fibre, where the textile fibre is made entirely of Chemical substances. Recycled fibres are made from reclaimed materials, typically rPET & require less energy than the production of conventional fibres. Our current Recycled Fibre offering is Polyester and Nylon.

Certified Cellulose Fibres

The certified cellulose fibre is very similar to its conventional fibre; however, the processes and standard of materials used are what create a lesser impact. The fibres are created from certified renewable wood sources that are processed against responsible standards, lessening the impact on water sources overall.

Our current certified cellulose fibre is Viscose.

Organic Fibres

Organic fibres are made from raw materials that have been grown using methods that have a lower impact on the environment.

Soft Plastics Waste Management

As an e-commerce business, we acknowledge that our logistic operations can have a significant environmental impact. We are committed to continuously reviewing our processes and adopting best practices to reduce our impact where we can.

We currently recycle 100% of our clear soft plastic waste in our Distribution Centre by partnering with a reputable waste management partner that allows us to divert our clear soft plastics away from landfill for the best chance to be recycled.

Sample Management

As a fashion brand, we are required to develop multiple development samples to get the fit and quality of the finished product to meet the highest standard possible. Since 2022 we have introduced a Sample Management Process to increase the life cycle of our samples. Below are the various solutions we have developed and implemented:

Internal Sample Sale

We have a wide selection of product and photoshoot samples placed on racks available for purchase by our internal teams within our Headquarters and Distribution Centre. The proceeds from this are donated to our selected Charity Partners.

Sample Sale

We collect and store archived samples to be sold in our physical sample sales, which take place bi-annually, where we are able to place the items back into circulation by making them available to purchase at generously discounted prices.


We partner with organisations that provide End of Life solutions for samples not in sellable condition. For example, we have partnered with Upparel to recycle & redistribute defective stock to give them the best chance of getting recycled and diverted away from landfill. Additionally, any items deemed non-defective are donated to Upparel’s charity partners. In 2022 our partnership with Upparel diverted 3920 kg of stock away from landfill which in turn prevented 13,720kg of greenhouse gasses from being released.

We have also partnered with Thread Together to redistribute unused clothing to those in need through their wide selection of charity partners. In 2022 we donated 3240 items of clothing.


As of 2022, 100% of garment and mailer packaging is either recycled, recyclable or biodegradable and has valid certification from specialised suppliers.

We aim to minimise the waste from online shopping, which is why you will find your MESHKI order delivered with the necessary packaging items only. In addition, the recyclable plastic parcel bag your order is delivered in is designed to be re-sealed and repurposed as a return parcel back to us should you wish to return an item.

While we transition to these packaging solutions, we acknowledge that older packaging from products produced before 2022 may still be in circulation. We appreciate your understanding.

What the Future Holds

We acknowledge that Corporate Social Responsibility is an ever-evolving journey. Our leaders across all aspects of the business are ever-conscious of their role in minimising our company’s environmental impact and increasing our positive impact on people. We do this by working closely with our internal Sustainability and CSR team to adopt innovative and emerging technologies and processes to bring about a more transparent MESHKI in the coming years.